
Careers at Berkeley

Faculty Videos

Berkeley is home to approximately 300 faculty and staff members who are passionate about preparing students to become lifelong learners. The school takes pride in hiring dynamic and compassionate professionals who are among the finest in their areas. 这些专业人士真诚地为每个学生的成功投资. 
我们的教职员工热衷于为棋牌游戏平台的学生提供机会. 他们拥抱孩子们带到学校的自然好奇心,并以此为基础. 他们向学生展示了他们生活中的可能性, 注意什么能吸引他们的兴趣, 并鼓励他们最大限度地追求这些兴趣. 因此,他们帮助孩子们爬上了他们从未想过自己能到达的高度. 
A significant benefit of working at Berkeley is having access to incredible resources and professional development opportunities. In addition, Berkeley believes that an excellent education is the best countermeasure to injustice in the world. The education we offer at Berkeley fosters confidence and builds critical thinking skills so that as students grow and eventually attain their highest potential, 他们已做好充分准备,对他们所看到的不公正现象发表评论并采取行动. Click here to learn more.
我们的帖子会定期更新, however, 如果你没有看到具体的招聘启事,但觉得你会是我们团队的一个很好的补充, please contact careers@daehanserver.net (email is preferred). 请注意,雇用须经过信息核实和背景调查.

List of 6 items.

  • Contact

    有关所有就业机会的查询可直接发送至 careers@daehanserver.net. 电子邮件是首选的棋牌游戏大全. Along with your resume, please include a cover letter specifically stating any positions for which you are qualified. 请注意,雇用须经过信息核实和背景调查. 棋牌游戏平台是一个机会均等的雇主.
  • 专业发展和个人丰富

    Ongoing professional development opportunities are essential to providing students with a 21st-century education. 棋牌游戏平台的老师们从不停止学习——让我们来看看我们是如何自豪地支持这种成长的.
    • Certain non-teaching days throughout the school year are designated for professional development with colleagues on campus. 
    • 我们的老师不仅参加,而且在全国各地举办研讨会. 
    • 许多教师看到他们的作品被刊登在国家出版物上, 甚至更多的人接受外部资助以进一步学习. 
    • Another perk that you’ll rarely find at other schools is that we encourage teachers to apply for two Berkeley funds that support endeavors limited only by their imagination. 
      1. 詹金斯卓越教学基金: Would seeing two of the latest Broadway musicals on a trip to New York City enhance your theatre curriculum, or would an immersive trip to Peru deepen your knowledge of culture and language as a Spanish teacher? Where would you go? Teaching faculty members are encouraged to apply for funding for individually tailored experiential learning opportunities that are self-designed to inspire and invigorate.
      2. Kuhn Fund for Positive Difference: Have you ever wanted to teach in a small village in Kenya or work with a giant tortoise conservation team in the Galapagos Islands? How would you give back? All employees are encouraged to apply for funding for national and international travel opportunities with a service component so they can help others in powerful ways and model the strong character and compassion that we consistently instill in our students.
  • Facilities and Resources

    Our 86-acre campus in suburban Tampa offers first-rate educational and athletic resources and distinct, 适合低年级学生的区域, Middle and Upper Divisions. The school has launched a Campus Master Plan that is guiding campus enhancements and improvements that will benefit the entire Berkeley community. 除了最先进的设施, extensive resources allow faculty members to maximize curriculum development for their classroom.
  • Accreditation and Memberships

  • Our Tampa Bay Community

    我们位于美丽的坦帕湾地区, close to beaches, professional sports teams, and performing arts facilities. The Faculty and Staff Appreciation Tickets (FASAT) program provides several faculty and staff with donated Tampa Bay area event tickets throughout the year. Learn more 棋牌游戏大全全年在坦帕湾等着你的机会, 使它成为这个国家最理想的居住地之一.
  • Benefits

    • 获批准继续教育的学费发还
    • 教师和员工健康计划 
    • 亨特家庭健身中心仅限员工使用
    • 具有竞争力的工资和福利待遇,包括健康, vision and dental insurance, an Employee Assistance program, supplemental insurances, 带薪休假和TIAA/CREF退休计划
    • Generous tuition remission for students of faculty (and all full-time employees) including BEEP, 为低年级学生提供的课外活动
    • 丰盛的早餐和午餐用餐计划

    此链接指向机器可读文件 that are made available in response to the federal Transparency in Coverage Rule and includes negotiated service rates and out-of-network allowed amounts between health plans and healthcare providers. 机器可读文件的格式允许研究人员, regulators, 应用程序开发人员可以更轻松地访问和分析数据.
棋牌游戏大全是一个机会均等的雇主. 棋牌游戏大全没有年龄歧视, gender, religion, race, color, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, disability, 在其教育政策的管理中没有民族或祖籍, scholarship and loan programs, athletic, 以及其他学校管理的项目, 或者在其招聘和雇佣实践的管理中.
Founded in 1960, Berkeley is an independent, Episcopal, 位于坦帕的大学预备走读学校, FL, 适用于从幼儿园到12年级的男孩和女孩. Approximately 1,400 students gather here from the greater Tampa Bay area to form ONE Berkeley.